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Meijer Realty Partners
Real Estate
Sustainable Finance

Financing the development of NS-owned land in Utrecht and the construction of 50 sustainable residential units: MRP’s sustainable financing journey with SCG.


Discover how Meijer Realty Partners (MRP), an Amsterdam-based real estate development and investment firm, partnered with Sustainable Capital Group (SCG) to secure multi-million Euro investment financing for their highly-sustainable new build residential project in Utrecht. Find out how MRP’s commitment to sustainability allowed them to get funding from an Article 9 fund!


About Meijer Realty Partners (MRP) 

MRP is an Amsterdam-based real estate development and investment firm focusing on mixed-use real estate in the Netherlands and Greece. MRP strategies aim to repurpose and reposition under-utilised assets in urban gateway locations.


The Goal: Building more inclusive homes in Utrecht

In the redevelopment of NS-owned land in Utrecht, MRP was tasked with creating 2,800 homes, integrating facilities, and repurposing the historic CAB building. The goal was to create an inclusive environment inspired by the Blue Zones concept and with a unique identity, whilst maintaining ESG ambitions and contributions as essential in the vision and development of the project.


Scope of work Sustainable Capital Group 

With SCG as the exclusive financial advisor, we focused on financing the construction of 50 residential units in the project, tackling the following:

  • Financing Strategy: SCG developed a comprehensive financing strategy tailored to MRP’s unique needs and growth objectives.
  • Marketing Materials: SCG created marketing materials like an Investment Memorandum (IM) and Teaser, showcasing the potential of the projects from a financial and sustainability perspective.
  • Investor Outreach: SCG pitched the financing opportunity to several potential investors and negotiated favourable terms to secure the necessary funding.
  • Transaction Management: Throughout the process, SCG provided expert transaction management, participating in negotiations and leading the closing of the transaction.


Outcome: Successfully closing a multi-million investment in senior financing

SCG successfully closed a multi million Euro investment in senior financing for the development of the residential units. With sustainability embedded into the transaction structure, MRP was able to secure a significant portion of its funding from Triodos Groenfonds, a “Dark Green Fund” whose purpose is the construction of environmentally sustainable apartments.

Read more about SFDR and Article 9 funds classification on our blog


What the client says about us 

Bart Meijer, Owner of MRP, shared his excitement over the collaboration with SCG and Triodos Bank, which have enabled MRP to take on the development of the residential units on the Cartesiusweg in Utrecht while still maintaining sustainability at its core.


“We are proud of the collaboration with Triodos Bank and SCG […] This collaboration enables us to realise our sustainable ambitions and contribute to a healthy and green living environment”.


Bart Meijer, MRP's CEO (left) and Tom Hendrikx, Triodos Bank's Real Estate Relationship ManageR (right)
Bart Meijer, MRP’s CEO (left) and Tom Hendrikx, Triodos Bank’s Real Estate Relationship Manager (right)


Triodos Bank’s Real Estate Relationship Manager, Tom Hendrikx, also highlighted the importance of this project with MRP and its commitment to sustainability. 

“We are pleased to finance this project from MRP…It is great to see an entire project fully connected with sustainability, nature inclusivity, health and coexistence. This project is a great example of how we can use our financial resources to create a sustainable and livable world.” 



With sustainability integrated into their financing strategy and a close collaboration with SCG, MRP successfully closed a senior financing loan for their highly-sustainable new build residential project in Utrecht. Thanks to their unwavering ESG ambitions and sustainable financing, MRP’s ambitions of creating a differentiated, inclusive environment is underway.


Want to know what we can do for you?

At Sustainable Capital Group, sustainable finance is our expertise. Our team of sector experts is ready to assist you whether you’re seeking future-proof financing or equity for your projects and/or company. Simply fill out our contact form, and we’ll reach out to you shortly.